Ecstatic Dance

Sundays, 12-1:30pm, Front Door Studio

First Sundays: Contact Dance Improv
Second Sundays: LGBTQ+ Ecstatic Dance
The rest are just Ecstatic Dance.

More info, please contact Zhenya Novareign EMAIL

Ecstatic Dance invites participants to embody all parts of themselves and explore free-form movement in the presence of community. There is no instruction, and dancers are invited to stay connected to their inner experience. Contact and dancing with others are optional only if consent is established each time, and it is always okay to decline interaction with other dancers.

The mission of Dance Medicine ABQ is to provide a weekly, trauma-informed, ecstatic dance container with live, high-quality music and sound. Our goal is to support the knowledge and experience of somatic-based movement practices and support community building. Opening and closing circles nurture space for establishing the container, sharing experiences, and insights, and building community.