If you are a Current or Recently Returning Renter, follow steps 1, 3, & 4 below.

Steps to booking a studio for the FIRST TIME, (or for the first time in while):

(1) Take your time, and view the calendars for availability. Click the entry to see the end time. If you see a spot that works for you, proceed to step (2).

(2) Understand our Terms & Conditions for renting a studio at Maple Street Dance Space. If everything looks good to you, proceed to step (3).
** Read the Terms, Policies & Covid Considerations for new Ongoing Rentals (Rentals that carry on, beyond one month, with no specified end date.)
** Read the Terms, Policies & Covid Considerations for Incidental Rentals (One time or Short Term Rentals, less than one month, or with a specified end date.)

(3) Fill out the Request Form with as much detail as possible, including dates, days, and start & end times, as well as which studio has the time available, and submit.

(4) I will respond within 1 - 2 days to confirm availability - if you do not hear back from me after 3 days check your spam folder.
NOTE: For last minute, one time bookings, fill out the form and follow up with a text: (505) 366-4982. I’ll get back to you ASAP.

(5) Once we have the details pinned down, you will be emailed a Studio Rental Agreement to sign, which includes directions for payment. Your payment will confirm the booking.

(6) Upon confirmation, you will be emailed a “Housekeeping List” with all the info you’ll need to navigate the space, and at that time, if needed, we can schedule a working tour of the space.